Capital City: JAKARTA
Population: 249.900.000 People (2013)
Total of Province: 34 Provinces
Total of Landmass: ± 5.193.252 km2
Land-wide: 1.904.596 km2
Sea-wide: 3.288.683 km2
Total of Island: 17.504 Islands
Form of Government: Republic
Head of State: President
Head of Government: President
Language: Bahasa Indonesia / Indonesian
Currency: Rupiah
Country Symbol: Burung Garuda / Mythical Bird
National Flower: Jasmine
Flag: Merah Putih
Nationalistic Song: Indonesia Raya
Religion: Islam (88 %) ; Chatolic (2,9 %) ; Protestant (5,8 %) ; Hindu (2 %) ; Buddha (0,9 %)
Independent Day: August 17th 1945
Ex-Colonizer: Dutch and Japan

          Indonesia is a 4th country with many population and a greatest archipelago country in the world. The main islands are Kalimantan (549.032 km2), Sumatera (481.980 km2), Papua (419.660 km2), Sulawesi (194.411 km2), Bali (5632 km2), Jawa and Madura (132.187 km2).
          Archipelago of Indonesia was situated between the lines of 6 degrees of Parallel North & 11 degrees of Southern Latitude, and between Meredien Line of 95 degrees & 144 degrees of Eastern Greenwich.

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