Punk School Hero - I Miss My World Lyrics

Okay guys, I'm back again with bringing lyrics of Punk School Hero's song, it's "I Miss My World" .. Actually, this isn't their new song, but until now I'm still falling in love to this song. I think you're hearing to this song now, really good song right? 

Then, now I'll share you a link to download this song. This song has 2 version because has a different music but I fall in love to the new version only, hehe... 
Here you are: 1st Version and New Version

After you download it, now you can see the lyrics. Sing the song with reading the lyrics, Enjoy the song~ :)

Seakan ini tak pernah terjadi
Bagai halusinasi yang menghampiri mimpi
Kucoba menepis potret suram ini
Disiniku berlari dan teruskan bermimpi
Takkan mungkin kau hancurkan ini, takkan mungkin

Reff :
I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini
I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini

Memutar waktu, detik yang membeku
Disini terasa semu dan aku membisu
Gelak derai tawa buatku tersiksa
Terpenjaraku disini terdiam terpana
Takkan mampu kau hancurkan aku, takkan mampu

Reff :
I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini
I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini

Dan beranjak, walau kau hancur berserak
Saat kau tersentak semua telah meledak
Tak bergerak seakan semua kau tolak
Saat kau meratap semuanya sudah terlambat
I miss my world kuingin kembali,kembali disini
I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini


I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini
I miss my world, I miss my world
Kuingin kembali, kembali disini

Okay, thanks for reading my post~ Hope you enjoy~
Please read other post too, please come back again... Have a nice day and bye!!! ^o^

Source: Punk School Hero Facebook Page

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